Dental Conditions - Chino Hills, CA

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Treating Your Everyday Smile Concerns

Do you consciously keep your lips together when you smile, or even cover your mouth while smiling, due to being embarrassed by how your mouth looks? Do you have other persistent conditions that you wish you could do something about? Far too many people are dissatisfied with their oral health and even refrain from smiling or cover their mouths, rather than suffer the embarrassment of an imperfect smile. Don’t let your smile hold you back from showing who you are and your personality! At Avion Dental, we are dedicated to achieving the smile you want.

Even the Small Things Matter!

At Avion Dental, we are dedicated to making your smile shine and to also make it healthy. During your visits we want to here from you and any issues that you may be experiencing when it comes to your oral health. Whether you are wanting to whiten your teeth or may be experiencing gum disease; everything counts! In Chino Hill, CA we treat the following conditions:


Loose Dentures

Due to wear and jawbone recession, dentures can come loose, causing painful friction against your gums. Our tooth replacement specialists at Avion Dental offer multiple loose denture treatments in Chino Hill, CA from implant supported dentures to full mouth or full arch dental implants. These solutions are anchored firmly into your jaw and strong enough to allow you to eat all your favorite foods! Our dentist is highly qualified to provide treatment to replace missing teeth, including rebuilding lost jawbone.


Bad Breath

Occasional bad breath after eating a spicy or garlicky meal, or upon waking up in the morning, is normal and can generally be remedied with mints or by brushing your teeth. However, if you have constant bad breath (known as halitosis) accompanied by gums that bleed easily, a bad taste in your mouth, sensitive or loose teeth, and gum recession, the cause may be something more ominous: gum disease. Eventually, untreated gum disease may cause tooth loss, compromise your immune system and aggravate existing medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Advanced cases of gum disease have even been linked to heart attack and stroke! Our team at Avion Dental can treat your bad breath in Chino Hill, CA by performing customized gum disease treatments to eliminate bacteria and infection, restoring proper health to your mouth.


Bleeding Gums

If your gums bleed easily when you brush and floss, you’re experiencing one of the most common symptoms of gum disease. When plaque is allowed to harden into tartar, it releases bacteria that irritate the gums. This can cause your gums to bleed easily and appear red and swollen. Over time, your gums will recede and pull away from your teeth, creating more space for bacteria and tartar to collect—and eventually, gum disease can become uncurable! Advanced stages of gum disease are linked to systemic health complications, including respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and even heart attack and stroke! You may also find it increasingly difficult to control pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes. It’s critical to your oral health and physical well-being that you seek treatment at the first sign of swollen and/or bleeding gums. If you have bleeding gums in Chino Hill, CA reach out to our experienced team at Avion Dental. There are many surgical and non-surgical procedures available that can treat and monitor your gum disease. Once you’ve been evaluated, our team will determine if you need one or more of these treatments.


Cracked Teeth

A cracked tooth can bring about difficulty eating certain foods, fear that a tooth may begin to fall apart, and embarrassment over the look of your smile … and these concerns are just the beginning! Even when not accompanied by much pain, chipped, broken or cracked teeth can create their share of problems. If a tooth is broken open, bacteria can easily get inside it and cause a painful infection that, if not addressed, may require advanced treatment such as root canal therapy. Our experienced dentist at Avion Dental can make a tooth strong and whole again with proven treatment for damaged and cracked teeth in Chino Hill, CA. With treatment options that include dental fillings, inlays and onlays, dental crowns and dental bonding, our team can make cracked teeth look like new!


Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth may make you feel self-conscious about speaking and smiling, but misaligned teeth aren’t just a cosmetic problem. Crooked, gapped or misaligned teeth can also be a challenge to maintain, and if plaque and tartar are allowed to collect in hard-to-reach places in your mouth, it makes your teeth more likely to succumb to decay. Crooked teeth can also skew your bite, preventing your teeth from meeting harmoniously, resulting in functional issues and severe jaw discomfort. If you’d like to smile freely and confidently, as well as avoid unnecessary health complications, count on your dentist at Avion Dental to reliably straighten your crooked teeth in Chino Hill, CA


Gum Disease

Red, receding or tender gums, sensitive teeth, and pockets forming between the gums and teeth are all signs of gum disease. Brushing and flossing twice daily, in addition to having regular checkups and professional cleanings at Avion Dental, are critical to maintaining your dental health. By following recommended dental hygiene routines, you eliminate harmful oral bacteria which, when allowed to flourish, can cause gum disease or periodontal disease. Untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss, jawbone recession, and even serious whole-body health problems like cardiovascular disease! It’s also been linked to systemic health issues including respiratory disease, diabetes, pregnancy complications, and even heart disease, stroke and cancer! With all the dangers that gum disease can present, it’s easy to see why you should see your dentist in Chino Hill, CA and get help at the first sign of symptoms!


Gummy Smile

A great smile is noticeably healthy and attractive. The teeth are all whole, aligned and shiny. But there’s another aspect to a smile that many people don’t think of: the gum tissue. Gums don’t just provide a protective barrier for your teeth, they contribute to your smile and overall look. Ideally, they feel comfortable, maintain a healthy shade of pink, and are in good proportion to the teeth they protect. If they dominate your smile, make your teeth look short, or make you feel self-conscious, you may need treatment for a gummy smile. Our dentist at Avion Dental offers precise gum recontouring at our state-of-the-art practice in Chino Hill, CA. With years of experience helping our patients achieve cosmetically appealing smiles, our cosmetic dentist can typically complete gummy smile treatment in just one office visit, so we encourage you to consider just how easy an attractive smile with a balanced gumline can be.


Missing or Falling Teeth

If you’ve lost teeth, you might only be able to eat soft foods, you might not be able to speak clearly and naturally, and your face may have even taken on a sunken appearance. It’s likely that your failing teeth have affected your self-esteem, as well. Apart from the ways tooth loss can decrease your quality of life, it can also trigger a sort of “domino effect” in your health. Without natural tooth roots stimulating healthy bone growth, the bone beneath the empty tooth socket will begin to deteriorate. This can spread, and even lead to additional tooth loss in adjacent teeth! The good news is that there are many solutions to recover your smile at Avion Dental, including dental bridges and dental implants, which offer jaw protection and the function and esthetics of real teeth. If you have failing or missing teeth in Chino Hill, CA, give us a call, and our knowledgeable dentist will help you find the tooth replacement solution you need for a complete, confident and healthy smile!



Whether minor or severe, toothaches can affect your daily life. You might have trouble concentrating, sleeping, eating, drinking or speaking. Our dentist at Avion Dental can offer effective treatments for your toothache in Chino Hill, CA. We will examine the tooth thoroughly and take X-rays, so we know what’s going on outside and inside the tooth enamel, then we’ll do everything we can to eliminate your pain and preserve your natural tooth. In some cases, a severely infected or damaged tooth must be removed. With the exception of wisdom teeth, most extracted teeth should be replaced, since you may find eating and speaking awkward, and your jawbone tends to recede where there are gaps in your smile. Dentures and bridges are always popular replacements, and patients who are looking for a dependably choice may wish to choose dental implants. Dental implants look, feel and function just like real teeth—and they’re built to last. They never develop decay, so they’ll never cause you pain.


Yellow or Discolored teeth

Even if you have a full set of healthy teeth, you might feel the need to hide your smile. Discolored, darkened and/or yellow teeth can significantly harm your confidence and self-esteem. The good news is that this can all be taken care of with professional teeth whitening at Avion Dental! Whiter teeth can instantly give you the self-confidence boost and the more carefree life you’ve been wanting. Not only can we make your teeth whiter, we can even help you choose a shade that complements your skin tone or meets any personal preferences you may have. We’re able to customize the whitening process to your unique specifications. Come in and see how our dentist can put an end to your yellow teeth in Chino Hill, CA.

Unhappy with your smile?

Call us today to schedule an appointment!